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Customizable Fund Performance

The target return on every real estate deal is different. The table below provides annualized performance targets for different types of deals. Higher risk deals carry higher returns.


Since each investor's portfolio is customized to their requirements, their overall returns will be based on the performance of the deals in their portfolio. 

*Deal Targets are not a guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All securities involve risk and may result in significant losses. Deals could default resulting in either partial or complete loss of investor principal. These returns are estimates only. Actual returns and term may be materially different from such projections. Individual deal results can vary significantly due to a large number of factors that include market risks, sponsor risks, individual deal risks and other unpredictable events. See our full offering materials (Private Placement Memorandum, Limited Partnership Agreement and Subscription Agreement) for more details on risks.



*Performance estimates not a guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All securities involve risk and may result in significant losses. Deals could default resulting in either partial or complete loss of investor principal. These returns are estimates only. Actual returns and term may be materially different from such projections. Individual deal results can vary significantly due to a large number of factors that include market risks, sponsor risks, individual deal risks and other unpredictable events. See our full offering materials (Private Placement Memorandum, Limited Liability Company Agreement and Subscription Agreement) for more details on risks.


{Fund manager LLX} is not registered as a broker-dealer or a Registered Investment Advisor. {Fund manager LLX} does not provide investors with any type of investment advice. Investors should determine if investing in real estate is aligned to their investment goals working with their financial adviser. 


Not all investors invest in all areas. Investors are placed in investments based on the direction they set for their portfolio. Offering through SEC Reg. D 506(c) filing; Investment Company Act Section 3 (c)(1) exemption; Accredited Investors only. Any communication by {Fund manager LLX} or any of its affiliates (collectively, “Airworthy Capital LLC”), through this website or any other medium, should NOT be construed and is NOT intended to be a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any security or otherwise to be investment, tax, financial, accounting, legal, regulatory or compliance advice. Nothing on this website is intended as an offer to extend credit, an offer to purchase or sell securities or a solicitation of any securities transaction. Investments in private placements are speculative and involve a high degree of risk and those investors who cannot afford to lose their entire investment should not invest. Some investments are highly illiquid and those investors who cannot hold an investment for the long term (at least 5-7 years) should not invest. This website provides preliminary and general information about the our offering and is intended for initial reference purposes only. It does not summarize or compile all the applicable information. This website does not constitute an offer to sell or buy any securities. No offer or sale of any Securities will occur without the delivery of confidential offering materials and related documents. This information contained herein is qualified by and subject to more detailed information in the applicable offering materials. Avestor does not make any representation or warranty to any prospective investor regarding the legality of an investment in any securities.


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