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Airworthy Capital REI Fund

Image by Rich Smith

A diversified fund investing in high quality self-storage and multi-family properties in the USA.

  • 3 to 5 year deals

  • Target IRR between 12% - 20%

  • Focused on the self-storage and multi-family deal 

  • Deals pay quarterly distributions

  • Deal slices $25,000 and higher

  • Minimum capital to join:  $25,000

Fund Manager

sean profile.png

After a successful successful active duty flying career in the US Air Force, Sean has closed $36M in real estate deals with 750 doors in 9 different states, general partner for 3 multi-family properties, and partner on a recent self storage property (440 units, 75k square ft) where he raised $2.3M.


Sean is a serial entrepreneur with successful businesses in fintech, aviation, electronics, and real estate. He holds a MBA and master's degree in Strategic Studies from the prestigious Naval War College.

Sean Chuplis

Customizable funds provide investors with an easy way to invest in alternative investments.


Watch our short video with our virtual AI partner, Emma, to learn more.

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